Dutch Passion - Masterkush | Feminisiertes saat | 5 stück - Dutch Passion Feminisier - Dutch Passion | Seed Diskont - Hanfsamen Shop

  • 52,90€ | 21.319 Ft

  • 100% Indica
  • indoor, greenhouse
  • Hindu Kush

We bravely extracted this sturdy plant back from the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan. It is a compact and forgiving variety that grows well in any medium, such as soil, hydro, coco etc.

Masterkush produces extremely potent buds with a smooth and sweet taste and earthy/citrus flavours. Less odour than normal is produced during flowering.

Buds are large, heavy and pale green with long hairs that range from white to orange/brown. Masterkush is resistant to spidermite but can be susceptible to mould in humid conditions due to the sheer size and density of the bud growth.

Master Kush thrives under most growing conditions. It clones easily and is a reliably generous producer of very high quality results. A favourite of ours, which we highly recommend to you.

Betrag 5 saat
Saatgutbank Dutch passion
Blütezeit Ungefähr 60 tage
Genetik Indica
Artikel Nummer DP1952
Verhältnis THC/CBD THC > CBD
Versandgewicht 0,01 kg
Farbe der Sorte Orange, Weiß
Verwendung Innen
Geschmack Kush, Süß
Typ Feminisiert

Schnellsuche Dutch Passion - Masterkush | Feminisiertes saat | 5 stück, DP1952, Dutch Passion Feminisier, Dutch Passion