Paradise Seeds - Jacky White | Feminisiertes saat | 5 stück - Paradise Seeds Feminisier - Paradise Seeds | Seed Diskont - Hanfsamen Shop

  • 50,00€ | 20.150 Ft

  • 75% Sativa / 25% Indica
  • indoor, outdoor, greenhouse
  • Jack Herer x White Widow

Fast & abundant… Jacky White is the ultimate performer, a dashing mix of heritage and knowledge. The result? A productive Sativa that became an instant classic when it was introduced.
We took our time to develop this new school strain. The quest was to breed a plant that combined the greatest characteristics of the greatest plants. It took time - years - to get the strain just the way we wanted it, but the result was worth it: a femme fatale that packs a punch.

The strong Sativa genetics of this plant mean that it can climb and those side branches will reach for the space to support its bounty of long and well formed buds. Indoor growers with limited space may look to pruning and bending methods to control the growth. Another principled characteristic that appeals to those with indoor setups is Jacky White's reputation for stability, meaning consistency with results.

Jacky White is the best friend of the outdoor gardener, hardy and low maintenance. Give it some space and moderate sunshine and it will reward you with a plant that strikes a fine pose, making it a favorite with Sativa aficionados in southern regions of the world.

Connoisseurs in northern climes are in luck too, because this plant also thrives in more moderate climates. It may perform a little less, but the skinny gene makes Jacky White mold resistant and its natural hardiness means you'll enjoy the tasty result by Halloween.

An immediate hit when it first came out, this plant's reputation still burns strong. That's because: for a fast growing and generous plant, the overwhelming layer of citrus 'haze' is just so damn good…  this taste will make you smile for the rest of the day!

Betrag 5 saat
Saatgutbank Paradise seeds
Blütezeit Ungefähr 60 tage
Genetik Hibrid
Artikel Nummer PFJW5
Verhältnis THC/CBD THC > CBD
Versandgewicht 0,01 kg
Farbe der Sorte Weiß
Verwendung Innen, Draußen, Gewächshaus
Geschmack Grapefruit
Typ Feminisiert

Schnellsuche Paradise Seeds - Jacky White | Feminisiertes saat | 5 stück, PFJW5, Paradise Seeds Feminisier, Paradise Seeds